Halal Certification Body | Confidence through Integrity.

Training (EN) / Schulung (DE) / Formation (FR)

HC Halal Schulung.
Expertenwissen für Sie.

Mit seinem bewährten Seminar qualifiziert HALAL CONTROL seit 2003 Halal-Beauftragte der Lebensmittel-, Chemie-, Kosmetik- und Pharmaindustrie und unterstützt praxisorientiert bei dem Verständnis von Grundlagen, Halal-Anforderungen, zugrundeliegender Normen sowie Standards zur systematischen Halal-Qualitätssicherung im Betrieb. Im HALAL CONTROL Tagesseminar, in dem wir unsere Praxiserfahrungen einfließen lassen, passen wir kontinuierlich den realen Erfordernissen an. So ist sichergestellt, dass Sie immer up-to-date sind und sie mit der Halal-Compliance im Betrieb sicher umgehen können.

Training dates:

April 2024 (online):

22.04.2024 (DE)

September 2024 (online):

16.09.2024 (EN)

November 2024 (online):

11.11.2024 (DE)

(DE) – German
(EN) – English


  • Islam and Halal, a brief introduction
  • Guidelines, Standards and Halal Certification
  • Identification of Haram CCP’s in the food / chemical / cosmetics / logistics industries.
  • The Halal Assurance System criteria (HAS)

Performed by: Experts in Food Technology/Chemistry and Islamic Affairs Experts.


Expert knowledge for you.

HALAL CONTROL expert knowledge for halal assurance  representatives/auditors

With its seminar, HALAL CONTROL has been successfully qualifying halal assurance/management representatives of the food, chemical, pharma, cosmetics and logistics sector since 2003. HC provides practical support and know-how in understanding requirements on halal integrity, competence, compliance, quality and certification for a successful Halal management and assurance in the company. Furthermore the one-day seminar is proven effective in supporting the company’s Halal assurance/management representatives with the required knowledge to introduce and to maintain the integrity of a proper halal assurance system. The course liaise HC’s deep  knowledge and practical experience. This ensures up-to-date professional information and an appropriate knowledge transfer with a safe feeling, when it comes to Halal compliance in your company.

(Note: Owing to our impartiality policy HC doesn’t provide consulting).

Registrierung / Registration / Enregistrement (Formular):

E-Mail an: info@halalcontrol.de


Our Standards. Your Assurance.