HALAL CONTROL GmbH | Halal Certification Body.
HALAL CONTROL Germany is a globally recognized, independent certification body established in 2001, dedicated to halal certification of products and services. With a firm commitment to halal compliance, HALAL CONTROL ensures that food, beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other goods meet halal normative and standards requirements. Built on integrity and transparency, the organization has gained global trust by providing reliable, professional, and credible conformity assessments.
HALAL CONTROL adheres to international standards like OIC/SMIIC and ISO and is accredited by international, regional and national halal authorities. Its certification services span diverse industries, including food processing, logistics, cosmetics, and chemicals. Through a transparent certification process (ISO 17065) and an integrity-driven approach, HALAL CONTROL ensures that products meet both regulatory and industry requirements while fulfilling consumer expectations for halal integrity and trust in certified products.
At HALAL CONTROL, halal certification goes beyond a procedural task — it is an entrusted responsibility (Amanah) towards consumers, representing a commitment to ethical values, compliance, quality, competence, and integrity, ensuring confidence in certified products. Confidence through integrity.
Empowering your Global Halal Business:
We are accredited & recognized by the following institutions:
HAK Halal Accreditation Agency Türkiye (OIC/SMIIC Accreditation)
GAC GCC Gulf Accreditation Center (Gulf Cooperation Council)
JAKIM Department of Islamic Development Malaysia
BPJPH Halal Product Assurance Agency Indonesia.
MOIAT Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (Emirates)
EIAC Emirates International Accreditation Center (in process*)
ESMA Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology
SASO Saudi Arabia Standardization Organization (KSA)
SFDA Saudi Food and Drugs Authority (KSA) / Saudi Halal Center
MOPH Ministry of Public Health (Qatar)
MUIS Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore
SANHA South African National Halaal Authority
GIMDES Gimdes Türkiye
IMANOR Institut Marocain de Normalisation
CICOT Central Islamic Committee of Thailand
KFDA Korean Food and Drugs Authority (Korea)
All members of IHAF (International Halal Accreditation Forum)
HC is a reference body for authorities, Islamic institutions, universities, food associations, industries, consumer protection agencies and international halal standard task/working groups. HC is member of the advisory board of AFS – Advances in Food Sciences (Scientific Journal) and FEB – Editorial Board member of FEB – Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.
HC performs conformity assessments against its certification scheme, which incooperates the following standards. Honestly implemented by the industry, it ensures a credible halal service and facilitates a global acceptance of your products on consumers and trade level alike.
*) Since 2018, HALAL CONTROL has been fully recognized in the United Arab Emirates and is officially registered as a halal certification body with the MOIAT Authority.
Stahlstr. 44
65428 Rüsselsheim am Main
Tel.: +49 6142 301987-0
E-Mail: info@halalcontrol.de
Web: www.halalcontrol.de
Copyright © 2019 HALAL CONTROL GmbH, Stahlstr. 44, 65428 Rüsselsheim am Main, Telefon +49 (0) 6142 301987-0, info@halalcontrol.de